Configure Apache Web Server as Phonebook Server with Grandstream Phones

Configure Apache Web Server as Phonebook Server with Grandstream Phones


This article describes the steps on how to configure Apache Web Server as Phonebook Server in Grandstream IP Phones.

Install Apache Web Server in Ubuntu Virtual Machine

Step 1: command sudo apt-get update

Step 2: command sudo apt install apache2

Step 3: command chmod –R 777 /var/www

At Apache server

Step 1: Copy phonebook.xml to the folder /var/www/html

Figure 1: Copy phonebook.xml to folder /var/www/html

Step 2: Navigate to any browsers and verify phonebook.xml is accessible through URL (for eg.

Figure 2: The phonebook contacts will show if it works.

At the Phone’s Setting

Step 1: Configure the following parameters:

  • Global Phonebook Type : XML
  • Automatic XML Phonebook Download: Enabled, use HTTP
  • HTTP/HTTPS User Name: Optional
  • HTTP/HTTPS Password: Optional
  • Phonebook XML Server Path: (IP address of Apache Server)
  • Phonebook Download Interval: 5 (minutes)

Save and Apply the changes.

Figure 3: Configure Apache Server IP at the Phonebook XML Server Path field

Step 2: Contacts are synced and uploaded successfully from Apache Web Server to phone 

Figure 4: Apache phonebook contacts are successfully synced at the Contact page