I have two UCM62XXs at two locations with different extension number ranges:
Location A: UCM6204 (extension range 1000)
Location B: UCM6204 (extension range 2000).
There is a VoIP Trunk connected in UCM A. Is it possible to make outbound calls from UCM B through UCM A’s VoIP Trunk and vice versa?
Inbound call
The Service Provider has given the trunk main number as 66925500 and a DID number as 66925501. You can assign an extension with the DDI number (for eg. ext. 1501) in UCM A. After creating a Peer Trunk between UCM A and UCM B, you need to configure the following routes for inbound calls going between these UCMs:
a. UCM A’s Inbound Route (VoIP Trunk)
– Pattern: _66925501
– Default Destination: External Number/25501
b. UCM A’s Outbound Route
– Pattern: _25501
– Trunk: PeerTrunk
c. UCM B’s Inbound Route (Peer Trunk)
– Pattern: _25501
– Default Destination: Extension/501
Outbound Call
d. UCM B’s Outbound Route
– Pattern = _9x.
– Strip: 1
– Trunk = PeerTrunk
e. UCM A’s Inbound Route (Peer Trunk)
– Pattern = _x.
– Default Destination: By DID
– Strip: 0
– Allow DID Extension: Extension
– Dial trunk: check
f. UCM A’s Outbound Route
– Pattern = _x.
– Trunk = VoIP Trunk
Test scenario
When the user wants to calls out to 3123 4567, please dial 93123 4567 on the phone. Digit ‘9’ will be stripped off.