How to recover Grandstream GVC32XX Android Video Conferencing

how to recover Grandstream GVC32XX Android Video Conferencing


This article describes the steps to recover the Grandstream video conferencing unit (GVC32XX series) that is unable to boot up properly or stuck at booting up with the logo.


1. Unplug GVC32XX from the power adapter

2. Copy the firmware files (.bin file) to the root directory of an SD card; otherwise, Android SHELL UI will pop up

Figure 1: Android Shell UI of GVC32XX

3. Insert the SD card which contains the required .bin files onto GVC32XX’s SD port

4. Use a small pin to hold the Reset button, then plug in the power adapter (you need to keep holding the reset button). You will see “Pressed 0s”.”Pressed 1s”… on the OLED screen.

Release the Reset button once it shows “Pressed 4s” on OLED. (Make sure the power is still on.)

5. After releasing the reset button, it will show “SD Upgrade” on the OLED screen.

6. From the HDMI output screen, it will show the firmware upgrade process.

The GVC32XX device will be recovered after completing the firmware upgrade.