How to recover the admin password for Grandstream IP PBX UCM

How to recover the admin password for Grandstream IP PBX UCM


This article describes how to recover the admin password of UCM.

When the user forgets the Web UI admin password, you can :

a. click the ‘Forget Password‘ button (as shown in Figure 1) the password will be sent to the user binding Email (under Maintenance > User Management).

You are encouraged to configure email binding during the initial setup.

                                                     Figure 2. Configure Email Address for user Admin
Figure 3: User will receive the email with the admin password
                                              Figure 3: The user will receive the email with the admin password

b. If you do not have the recovery email address configured, the only way to proceed is via hard reset on the LCD screen.

Upon the hard reset, enter the default administrator username “admin” and password.

Note: Units manufactured starting January 2017 have a unique random password printed on the sticker located on the back of the unit. Older units have the default password “admin”.

Please always make a backup of the UCM configurations from time to time.